hey bloggyyy long time no see!
Lady Aurora | 10:51 PM | daily life, Jakarta, random aja | 0 dangdangdang
killing the boredom.
Lady Aurora | 8:25 PM | daily life | 0 dangdangdang
hello fellas!
you know what? i suppose to make a presentation of my kartul but well, too lazy to make it now :P by the way, i'm a mansis now, time flies too fast i guess, it's hard to believe that i can't wear my jacket anymore :'', but well, i wish the new OSIS will do better job than my OSIS. it's a pride for us if we can create a better generation. Well, best of luck!
and now, let me introduce this person
this random person is muhammad hanni ramli chaniago hohohohoho he is the most random and the most ngelawak person i've ever known! and also the sweetest indeed cececcececece :P. he has already graduated from Labschool because he was an acceleration student. last july 21st, he came to meet me and i'm super happy!! he didn't tell me that he would come to Labschool so it was a surprise. we always support each other to do the things and now he prepares to step into the university life in medicine faculty of Yarsi University, so best of luck mbeem, me 3AO7 you :')
by the way, got to make the presentation now!! bye!
Lady Aurora | 7:45 PM | daily life, Jakarta | 0 dangdangdang
gue baru aja ngeliat-liat posting jaman smp, bukan cuma posting gue, tapi juga posting orang-orang disekitar gue, dan yang gue temukan adalah..
time passed so fast and believe it or not, i have to face the truth that people had change, termasuk gue
dulu, gue hanya memikirkan fandom dan kepentingan gue sendiri dan segala macamnya, dan sekarang? kegiatan fandom gue berbeda drastis, bukaan bukan berarti gue melupakan HSJ, Arashi, dan kawan-kawannya, too much sweet memories from that time. Cuman, gue ga se-kya kya dulu.
Mungkin it's called "grown up"? gatau juga
dulu, gue termasuk orang yang sangat meledak-ledak. Emosi gue termasuk yang ga gampang di kontrol. sekarang? hem kayanya gue lebih banyak mendem. Walaupun gue tau banget mendem sama aja nanem masalah dan pada akhirnya ya meledak. Cuman ya kadang gue berpikir "penting ga sih ini gue pikirin? penting ga sih gue cerita ini ke orang lain? bukannya gue malah nambah pikiran orang? apa orang lain peduli?" bahkan gue pun suka sungkan (halah sungkan) cerita ke dia, gue cuma gamau nambah-nambah pikiran orang lain dengan masalah-masalah gue
dan, ada lagi satu hal yang akhirnya emang harus gue hadapin dan itu seharusnya gue terima dari dulu, hem ya gitu deh haha
at the end, we can't change the past and just face the future
need a rest
Lady Aurora | 5:25 PM | daily life | 0 dangdangdang
hey fellas, allow me to scream, ehem
Lady Aurora | 3:34 PM | daily life, Jakarta | 0 dangdangdang
hey bloggyy hahaha long time no post, anyone miss me? wakakaka candadeng
Lately, gue merasa hidup lebih yang kaya "yaudahlahyaa semua dijalanin aja", kaya "let it flow".. entah ini nyantai ato pasrah, or both? haha dunno deh
Mungkin gara-gara gue sempet ada di titik yang kaya hari-hari gue kok beraaaaat banget, bahkan ada satu hari yang pas paginya aja gue udah nangis saking stressnya
Tapi untunglah sekarang gue bisa lebih mengontrol emosi dan pikirin biar ga terlalu stress
Yaudah deh ya, bingung mau nulis apa lagi hahahuaha bye fellas!
P.S. : Goodluck for all of the exams, Naka :) though there's still one thing that still unclear between us, really, you just have to say it directly